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How Do I Know If My Water Purifier Needs Service?

A water purifier shows various signs that indicate it needs services. Usually, low water yielding, annoying noise, unpleasant odor in water are the most common signs that your water purifier shows asking for services. However, the water purifier expert advises that a water purifier should get proper treatment at a regular and periodic time interval of 3 months.

A huge Indian population is unaware of the fact that regular and periodic water purifier service makes the device efficient and long-lasting. In our society people only hire a technician to get their water purifier service done when the device completely stops bringing clean water. The main reason behind it is unawareness of the fact that when should one get their water purifier service done. 

In this post we’ll be discussing the right time to get your water purifier service done so if you face the same problem and are unaware about “how I know if my water purifier needs service” then read this post till the end and get your doubt clear. But before we start exploring our main topic let’s discuss the importance of getting regular water purifier service. 

The Importance Of Timely RO Service

  • On-time water purifier service offers you a nonstop supply of pure water

  • Timely service adds life to the water purifier and their filters

  • Scheduled maintenance keeps your water purifier maintenance cost in control

  • Regular service prevents early breakdown and frequent repairs

It is also important to know the cause behind the water purifier before diving into its detailed service and maintenance. You have to consider the right time to schedule preventive management that includes the current condition of the consumables. There are few majors that may affect the water purifier performance-

1.  The level of impurities suspended in the raw water

2.  TDS level of water and the hardness

3.  The exact amount of water to be purified

4.  The frequency of preventive maintenance

Filters and membranes are the most vital parts of any water purifier that includes sediment, carbon, and other filters. The standard time to replace the filters and membranes of a water purifier is around 6-8 months or the frequency of use. You have to diagnose the current condition of these constituents inside your water purifier.

Also Read- Why Is RO Water Purifier Service Important?

Check The Condition Of Sediment Filter

A sediment filter is used to cut out dirt and soil particles from raw water as the primary filter, the sediment filter also has a key role in maintaining and protecting the other membranes. When you overlook changing the filter at the suggested time, the dirt penetrates the sediment filter and pollutes the purified water. An out of order sediment filter can lead to various health conditions.

Don’t Forget To Diagnose The Carbon Filter

The polluted water is blackish and carries a bad smell which makes it unfit for direct consumption. In the case of municipal water, chlorine is added to purify water before supplying it to your homes. The chlorine can purify polluted water to a certain level, but it leaves a smell in the water. Here comes the role of carbon filters to remove chlorine and other chemical traces present in water. This is why it is vital to change the carbon filter at least once a year to remove odors effectively.

Follow The Standard Schedule To Change The Filter And RO Membrane

Serial no

Type of filter and membrane

Duration of usage


Sediment filter

12 months


Carbon filter

12 months


RO membrane

1-2 years

In the process to decontaminate the water to make it drinkable as it carries an excess of minerals and salts. These elements can induce severe health conditions if they are not eliminated before consuming. Water either uses filtration, sedimentation, and distillation to remove physical and chemical pollutants.

Most of the water purifiers need to be serviced in 3-6 months as you can experience some abnormalities in your water purifier when it exceeds more than 12 months. 

The Different Types Of Water Purifier Needs Specific Service Requirements

#1. RO Water Purifier

RO uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved solids as chlorine, nitrates, and sulfates from polluted water. To keep your RO system in tip-top condition, it needs to be cleaned once every 12 months. After cleaning thoroughly, drain out water from the tank and insert the required filters and membranes. You must avoid immediate water consumption after service as it is good to throw out at least 1 tank of water.

#2. UV Water Purifier Maintenance Tips

In case of UV water purifier maintenance, the UV lamp must be exchanged after 12 months if you wish to remove microbes, bacteria, pathogens, and viruses successfully. Normal cleaning can be good enough to flush out the killed germs and make it durable for extended use.

#3. Ultrafiltration Water Purifier

When the water goes through the UF membrane, it eradicates solids, and viruses like the RO water purifier does. The hollow fiber membrane of the UF filter separates pollutants from raw water by a particularly larger membrane than RO that works well up to one year.

#4. Don’t Overlook The Drips And Water Leakages

If you are tired of experiencing drips in your water purifier, get in touch with an expert technician to schedule a doorstep check-up. Make sure the leaks are properly sealed to neglect the kind of leakage and drip in the near future.

#5. One Can Buy An AMC Plan

Annual maintenance contracts make it easier to maintain a water purifier better than before at the lowest cost possible. There are a lot of RO AMC plans available online that make it easy to maintain your water purifier’s original efficiency and produce minimum hassles.

#6. Know-How Long Your Water Purifier Lasts

You should know the exact life cycle of the water filters as sediment as pre-filter, carbon pre-filter, RO membrane, and the activated carbon as the post filter. Each of the membrane and filters needs to be either cleaned or replaced to keep the continuous flow of pure water.

However, these filters have a limited life span; it majorly depends upon the usage and type of water. When your water remains under service, it appears some signals that indicate it needs service. If you are facing a problem with the taste, color, and your RO system keeps working the whole day but can't fill the tank.

#7. The Problem With The Water Pressure

The low water pressure in the sign of the under service as the filter needs to be cleaned or replaced to bring back the original water flow. The water purifier finds it hard to purify water when its filters are clogged and produce low water pressure.

#8. Altered water taste

Noticing any bad taste in water is the sure-shot sign of the filter problem as it needs to be exchanged promptly. You can either experience a taste of chlorine, soil, and others that is a result of improper water filtration.

#9. The Continuously Running Water Purifier

A water purifier is a non-stop working machine, but once the water storage tank fills completely, it stops automatically. Your water purifier finds it hard to fill the tank when there is a problem with water flow, or it's getting insufficient water inlet. A continuously running water purifier system needs to be checked and resolved to get the best outcomes from your water purifier.


A water purifier generally has 5-7 filters to achieve the kind of purity and eliminate diverse pollutants. Apart from cleaning and sanitizing, and changing the filter on a regular basis, you can also think about installing a water softener to extend the water purifier’s performance. 

Never ignore checking the water purifier when you notice any decline in water purifier performance to get free access to odorless and healthy water.

@7065012902 call and hire a professional service engineer at Mannu Bhai. We are among the top-rated water purifier service provider in India. Here you can request all kinds and brands of water purifiers.

About Author

Basant Kumar