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Washing machine service: hire professional at Mannu Bhai 

Technology has gifted us many things to humanity. Which makes our life more comfortable. In our daily routine, we use multiple things that make our life much more comfortable. For example, a washing machine. It's nothing but a gift of technology. Earlier, people used to consider it a luxury, but now it has become a necessity. Almost every house has this machine. It has reduced your work pressure. Just dump your clothes inside it, and you are ready to wear clean clothes. But yes, if you want to get a long term service, then obviously you need to take care of it. Maintain it properly. Whatever we use, every item, if we do not maintain it correctly, the product won't give a long-term service. Here we have put together some of the Some washing machine maintenance tips. Which will improve the longevity of your product? So let's get started.

Washing Machine Service Maintenance Tips

How many of us do proper maintenance of washing machines like we do with AC or with the RO water purifier? But like other machines, Washing machines need to be maintained properly to get better service. Wash the machine properly to stop the foul smell from it. There are straightforward and essential things that you can do, and this can make a huge difference. In this article, we will discuss eight easy tips which can increase your machine's life.

  • Inspect The Hoses

Every Month checks the hoses, make sure there are no cracks or bulges. Also, check whether the fittings are tight or not. 

  • Do Not Overload The Machine 

Every machine has its capacity. Do not overload the machine unnecessarily. It can cost you later on. It can damage your washer too. So break your laundry in smaller parts. 

  • Choose The Right Detergent 

Ensure the detergent you are using to wash your clothes is the right detergent for your model. You will find a manual where all the instructions are mentioned. 

  • Use The Right Amount Of Detergent 

Some people tend to use more detergent in the machine to clean the clothes. But it will leave a hard effect on your washer. If you are using liquid detergent, then follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Wipe Down The Machine Drum 

Do this once every month. To ensure your washer won't give off any odors. 

  • Leave The Door After Every Load 

Have you ever noticed that it smells when you open the door to load? To avoid it after washing, keep the door open. 

  • Transfer Your Wet Laundry As Soon As It Has Done 

Do not keep the wet laundry in the washer; it can trigger the mold. 

When To Call For A Washing Machine Service? 

If you notice any abnormal things happen to the machine, call the professional to get your washing machine service done. Otherwise, it will not work correctly. Abnormalities like,

  • If the machine does not spin properly
  • Excessive vibration
  • No agitation
  • Your washing machine leaks
  • Water is not draining properly
  • No cold water
  • If the wash cycle leaves spots on your clothes
  • If the wash cycle leaves soap on clothes.

 If any of this happens to your machine, it's time to call a professional service provider. You may contact the manufacturing company directly for service, or you can contact other service providers too. Many other professionals take the franchisee of multiple brands and provide services. Get your washing machine service done by the professionals from Mannu Bhai.

Also Read- 5 Reason To Book Washing Machine Services

To book an appointment for a washing machine service, visit his official website and get all the contact details. Call on the given num and book your appointment. Tell the executive what problems you are facing regarding your machine. Within 24 hours, they will send you a professional for your washing machine service. You can take the AMC( Annual Maintenance Contract) from Mannu Bhai too. In AMC they will provide you your quarterly service. You don't have to pay for every visit. Just pay once and enjoy the service for the rest of the year. So without giving any further thought, contact Mannu Bhai for your washing machine service and improve its longevity.